4.2 C
lørdag, april 20, 2024
Mural with Leila Khaled, veteran and leading member of the PFLP, somewhere along the apartheidwall. Photo: Boris Kasimow. (CC BY 2.0).
An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).
CWC: Unequal Exchange
The entire book is online
With the preface of Arghiri Emmanuel, who has delivered the economic analysis of the Unequal Exchange. The CWGs tryes to combine this theory with the theory of the parasite state. "If this is the case, if the proletariat no longer exists in our industrialized countries, if all, or almost all wage-earners, white collars and blue collars together, have become a labour aristocracy by definition producing less value than their wages allow them to appropriate and thus becoming the objective allies of imperialism, which brings them the supplement, what, then, becomes of the political action of revolutionary marxists? To whom, to which class, to which strata of society can they therefore address themselves?" (From Arghiri Emmanuel's preface)
Interview with Torkil Lauesen og Jan Weimann about their legal and illegal political activism from the seventies and on.
p. 7-10:
The economic-trade union demands involved in the present and a number of former collective agreement situations are manifestations of needs and wishes on a material level (and spiritual-ideological level) characteristic of a working class in a country, where the capitalists have been able to give and have had a direct interest in giving the workers a share in the super profits of western capitalism as a whole from the exploitation of the majority of mankind – the peoples of the present and former colonial, semicolonial and dependent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

There is  n o  direct road from a parasite state of Denmark's kind to socialism!
p. 7-15:
Foreword by Gotfred Appel.
p. 78-79:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Revision of the Party Programme.
Breakthrough News_Rania_Khalek_Torkil_Lauesen
Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.
p. 11-12:
"The almost 100.000 votes against, the some 170.000 votes in favour at the voting, and the some 270.000 votes which were not cast at all thus expressly serve to show that the working class has been split up, is without common determination, without genuine class solidarity, without genuine class consciousness.

When this is said, and in our opinion it  m u s t  be said, it must also be said and heavily stressed that this situation in the Danish working class is a temporary and transitory phenomenon. It is a phenomenon which has been caused by a certain historical, economic and ideological development, and it will change again under a new historical, economic and ideological development."
p. 26-28:
Extract from: V.I. Lenin: The Collapse of the Second International.
p. 101-103:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Better Fewer, But Better.
p. 56:
"This Socialism of theirs [The Fabians] is then represented as an extreme but inevitable consequence of bourgeois Liberalism; hence their tactics of not resolutely fighting the Liberals as adversaries but of pushing them on towards Socialist conclusions and therefore of intriguing with them, of permeating Liberalism with Socialism, of not putting up Socialist candidates against the Liberals but of fastening them on to the Liberals, of forcing them upon them, or deceiving them into taking them."
p. 75-77:
Full text of V.I. Lenin: Ten "Socialist" Ministers.
p. 28-29:
"The question now is, what shall we advise the English workers? In my opinion they must make the repeal of the Union (in short, the affair of 1783, only democratized and adapted to the conditions of the time) an article of their pronunziamento [5]. This is the only legal and therefore only possible form of Irish emancipation which can be admitted in the programme of an English party."
p. 27-31:
HANDBILL,, particularly distributed for B&W, Christianshavn (machine factory) 3rd May 1968.

"We have said it again and again, and we are going to continue saying it. It has come about because, as Engels wrote, from the beginning of colonialism the workers “have gladly taken their share of the booty” from the exploitation of the colonial peoples.


This has come about because no one has told them that it would take them directly into the bourgeois, uncanny, horrible, stinking imperialist pool, if they did not stop in time to think things over."
p. 82-84
Extract of V.I. Lenin: Session of the Petrograd Soviet.
p. 18-20:
Extrat from V.I. Lenin: The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart.
Bibliography for the book: Riding the Wave by Torkil Lauesen
A. Abbreviations and Litterature p. 221
p. 35-37:
"After occupying myself with the Irish question for many years I have come to the conclusion that the decisive blow against the English ruling classes (and it will be decisive for the workers' movement all over the world) cannot be delivered in England but only in Ireland."

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Nyheder / News

How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave

Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.

The Palestinian Left: Past, present, and Future

An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).

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