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tirsdag, februar 4, 2025
Forside Imperialismen i dag Videoer og podcasts

Videoer og podcasts

Videoer og podcast om imperialisme

Breakthrough News_Rania_Khalek_Torkil_Lauesen

How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave

Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.
Illustration from "Millenials Are Killing Capitalism" Podcast.

“The Swedish Model,” Social Democracy and the Imperialist World System with...

Interview with Torkil Lauesen on his book: Riding The Wave: Sweden’s Integration into the Imperialist World System. (Published summer 2021 by Canadian Publisher Kersplebedeb on Millenials Are Killing Capitalism Podcast.
Manifestering Podcast, Oregon, USA

Torkil Lauesen Riding the Wave

I interview Torkil Lauesen about his latest book Riding The Wave: Sweden’s Integration Into The World Imperialist System. You can pick up the book from Kersplebedeb by visiting leftwingbooks.net”
Manifestering Podcast, Oregon, USA

Torkil Lauesen Interview

In this episode I interview Torkil Lauesen, longtime anti-imperialist activist and author of two books including “The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance” and his latest “The Principal Contradiction”. We discuss Maoism, both historically and in the modern age, the election of Joe Biden, and we speak briefly about his upcoming book “Riding the Wave” 
Samidoun Göteborg Logo

Panel talk: ”Imperialism and International Solidarity”

In discussing imperialism and international solidarity, the panel is a contribution to a vital debate on the why and how of liberation struggle.
KUF plakat 1968-69.

Vand under broen #7 – Thorkil Lauesen om KAK og maoismen

Vand under broen er tilbage med føljetonen om venstrefløjens historie i 60’erne og 70’erne. Denne gang kigger historikerne Janus Rønbach og Jonas Neivelt nærmere på Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds (KAK). Vi har inviteret mangeårige aktive på venstrefløjen, og tidligere medlem af KAK, Thorkil Lauesen i studiet til en snak om KAK’s historie og maoismens grundlag.

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How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave

Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.

The Palestinian Left: Past, present, and Future

An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).

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