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Breakthrough News_Rania_Khalek_Torkil_Lauesen
Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.
Mural with Leila Khaled, veteran and leading member of the PFLP, somewhere along the apartheidwall. Photo: Boris Kasimow. (CC BY 2.0).
An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).
s. 4:
[Notits] Om at Tillægget "To linjer" nu er afsluttet med nr. 6 i dette nummer.
s. 1-4:
Parti, folkehær og forenet front : Nogle erfaringer fra nederlaget for August-revolutionen i 1945 i Indonesien.
s. 2-4:
Appel fra Sydvietnams Nationale Front for Befrielse’s Centralkomite i anledning af 8-årsdagen for dens grundlæggelse (20. december 1968)
Screen shot from video The Fallout: Robin Hood.
Song dedicated to the Blekingegade Group by the Canadian punk group The fallout from the album: What Is Past Is Prologue (2005/ rereleased in 2018).
Illustration from "Millenials Are Killing Capitalism" Podcast.
Interview with Torkil Lauesen on his book: Riding The Wave: Sweden’s Integration into the Imperialist World System. (Published summer 2021 by Canadian Publisher Kersplebedeb on Millenials Are Killing Capitalism Podcast.
Manifestering Podcast, Oregon, USA
I interview Torkil Lauesen about his latest book Riding The Wave: Sweden’s Integration Into The World Imperialist System. You can pick up the book from Kersplebedeb by visiting leftwingbooks.net”
Cover til Frihetssånger 1 og bandmedlemmer
Sangen Blekingegade 2 spillet af det svenske orkester Desto Lindström.
About the Author of Riding the Wave : Sweden’s Integration into the Imperialist World System. Torkil Lauesen
Bibliography for the book: Riding the Wave by Torkil Lauesen
Introduction to the book: Riding the Wave by Torkil lauesen
Frontpage of Riding the wave by Torkil Lauesen
Contents, Introduction, Bibliography and About the Author can be seen online.
"In general, the Scandinavian countries did not have the necessary military power and administrative capacity to establish and operate their own colonies. They had to ride the wave of the great colonial powers in order to enjoy the benefits offered by imperialism. There was no difference, however, between the Scandinavian countries and the great colonial powers regarding their attitude towards colonialism. European colonialism can be seen as a unified whole in which large and small countries played different roles. Some managed territories and opened up markets, others provided capital, built infrastructure, or transported goods to and from the colonies. The Scandinavian countries earned large sums by navigating in the wake of the major colonial powers." —from Riding the Wave
KUF/Anti-imperialistic Action Commitee poster in protest against the World Bank congress in Copenhagen 1970: "The World Bank. This is where imperialism's most effective minions work in order to reinforce the exploitation of the oppressed and to increase the profits of the monopolists. We are on the side of the oppressed! Whose side are you on?"
Plakaten er tegnet af Madsen. Den 20. september 1970 åbnede Verdensbanken/IMF sit årlige møde. Denne gang skulle det afholdes i København - Bellacentret. Det betød flere dages gadekampe i det indre København. KUF deltog ligesom mange andre venstrefløjsaktivister i forsøget på at stoppe mødet.
EZLN: Marcos og McDonald's. Den "uddelegerede Zero" med hest og pibe passerer en McDonalds i Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Frokost-spisende beboere fik et ekstra show. Foto: taget 16 januar 2006 af vcarera. (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).
Nationalismen er blevet et problem for socialismen. I forhold til befrielsen fra kolonialisme og imperialisme spillede nationalismen en progressiv rolle i den tredje verden, men blev samtidig kilde til konflikter.
Manifestering Podcast, Oregon, USA
In this episode I interview Torkil Lauesen, longtime anti-imperialist activist and author of two books including “The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance” and his latest “The Principal Contradiction”. We discuss Maoism, both historically and in the modern age, the election of Joe Biden, and we speak briefly about his upcoming book “Riding the Wave” 
Cover of The Principal Contradiction by Torkil Lauesen
"...Torkil Lauesen’s The Principal Contradiction is something of a breath of fresh air since it is concerned with centering and demystifying dialectical reason and, specifically, its iteration as dialectical materialism."
Frontpage of The Principal Contradiction. By Torkil Lauesen.
In The Principal Contradiction, Torkil Lauesen introduces readers to the philosophy of dialectical materialism as a tool for changing the world.
Dialectical materialism allows us to understand the dynamics of world history, the concept of contradiction building a bridge between theory and practice, with the principal contradiction telling us where to start.
Ungkommunisten 1968 nr. 11
Citat af Karl Marx Forsiden s. 1
Linjerne trækkes op s. 2-5
En fagforeningstale s. 6-7
Sport og politik s. 7-9
"Fri socialisme" s. 9, 12-13
[Tegning fra Vietnam under krigen] s. 10-11
DKP - Deutche Kommunistische Partei s. 13-19
Indholdsfortegnelse for Ungkommunisten 1. årgang, 1968. [ikke online] s. 19-20
Plakat udgivet af KUF/Den antiimperialistiske Aktionskomite, 1970. Trykt som både plakat og klistermærke. Tekst: De undertrykte og sultende vil sejre!
Plakater udgivet af KUF/Den Antiimperialistiske Aktionskomite, 1968 - 1970

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How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave

Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.

The Palestinian Left: Past, present, and Future

An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).

To linjer afsluttet

s. 4:
[Notits] Om at Tillægget "To linjer" nu er afsluttet med nr. 6 i dette nummer.