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mandag, maj 6, 2024


Sproget som artiklen er oversat til

p. 19-21:
"They destroyed it by breaking up the native communities, by uprooting the native industry, and by levelling all that was great and elevated in the native society."
"All the English bourgeoisie may be forced to do will neither emancipate nor materially mend the social condition of the mass of the people, depending not only on the development of the productive powers, but of their appropriation by the people."
"While they prated in Europe about the inviolable sanctity of the national debt, did they not confiscate in India the dividends of the rayahs who had invested their private savings in the Company's own finds?"
Hæfte 1-6, hver på 6-7s. (Tillæg til Kommunistisk Orientering, 5. årg. nr. 18, 2. oktober 1968 - 6. årg. nr. 2, 30. januar 1969)
Ungkommunisten1968, nr. 6, s. 6-7.
Kommunistisk Ungdoms Forbund har forlængst besluttet ikke at deltage som medarrangør af Pinsemarchen, og vi har givet vore grunde herfor. Det drejede sig først og fremmest om arrangørernes rædsel for en klar revolutionær linje og deres sleske leflen for borgerskabet ved hjælp af tilladelse til pacifistiske paroler.
Young Communist - Duplicatet frontpage.
3 articles translated from the Danish "Ungkommunisten" from Kommunistisk Ungdoms Forbund (KUF):
Letter from a Journey.
Why do We Support PFLP.
Statement from KUF.
Manifestering Podcast, Oregon, USA
I interview Torkil Lauesen about his latest book Riding The Wave: Sweden’s Integration Into The World Imperialist System. You can pick up the book from Kersplebedeb by visiting leftwingbooks.net”
s. 8:
"Den "elendighedsteori", som DKP'isterne i årtier har vendt sig imod, og som visse folk i dag beskylder KAK for at være tilhænger af, viser sig altså at være reformisten Bernsteins forvrængning af Marx' klare påvisning af, at kapitalismen rent faktisk fører til forarmelse."
A. Abbreviations and Litterature p. 221
Uddrag af Brev fra Marx til Danielson, London, 19. februar 1881. Om England i Indien i Marx og Engels: Om kolonier, industrimonopol og arbejderbevægelse. Forlaget Futura 1972, 66 s., s. 47.
p. 42:
"... In India serious complications, if not a general outbreak, is in store for the British government. What the English take from them annually in the form of rent, dividends for railways useless to the Hindus; pensions for military and civil servicemen, for Afghanistan and other wars, etc., etc. – what they take from them without any equivalent and quite apart from what they appropriate to themselves annually within India – speaking only of the value of the commodities the Indians have gratuitously and annually to send over to England – it amounts to more than the total sum of income of the sixty millions of agricultural and industrial labourers of India!"
On Productive Forces and Conditions of Production p.143
The Possibilities of Socialism in the imperialist Countries p. 144
Reformism p. 147
The Rise of Reformism p. 147
The Political Development in the Interwar Period p.154
The Effects of Unequal Exchange on International Solidarity p.156
The Working Class has Become a "Sacred Cow" to the Left Wing p.170
Conclusion for the Imperialist Countries p. 174
The Possibilities of Socialism in the Exploited Countries p. 177
What is Development and Underdevelopment? p. 178
The Connection Between Unequal Exchange and Unequal Development p. 180
For a New World Order – What is Progressive? p.189
For a Socialist World Order p. 191
Conclusion Concerning the Perspectives of Socialism in the Exploited Countries p. 195
Cabo Delgado-provinsen, Mozambique. Makonde Wood-Carvers på arbejde i en Frelimo produktionslejr. Den Makonde er berømte for deres ibenholt udskæringer. Andre håndværk som vævning og keramik praktiseres også i produktionslejre. Nogle af de færdige produkter eksporteres til Tanzania i bytte for nødvendige indenlandske og militære forsyninger. [Præcis dato ukendt] Ca. 1. januar 1972. Foto: United Nation foto / N. Basom (Foto # 348191). (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
Anden del af artiklen søger at komme med nogle bud på hvordan økonomisk og politisk befrielseskamp med et socialistisk perspektiv kan føres i en stadig mere globaliseret verden.

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Nyheder / News

How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave

Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.

The Palestinian Left: Past, present, and Future

An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).

To linjer afsluttet

s. 4:
[Notits] Om at Tillægget "To linjer" nu er afsluttet med nr. 6 i dette nummer.