Lenin: On Imperialism and Opportunism - Frontpage
1 min read

About the book:

Extracts from articles and speeches 1899-1923 on imperialism and opportunism by V.I. Lenin [Publishing House Futura, Copenhagen 1974, 103 p.]

Compiled And Edited By The Communist Working Circle Of Denmark from V. I. Lenin: Collected Works, Vol. 1-45, Moscow, 1963-1970. (Abbreviated Into LCW)

In connection with this online edition, the editor of Snylterstaten.dk has made links to the full articles online at Marxist Internet Archive

New printed edition of this collection published by Publishinghouse Kersplebedeb in 2019, with an new longer Introduction by Torkil Lauesen setting Lenin in context with the history of imperialism and the working class movement. See Leftwingbooks.net for more information



Gotfred Appel82917 min read
p. 7-15:
Foreword by Gotfred Appel.

Review: J. A. Hobson : The Evolution of Modern Capitalism

V.I. Lenin7391 min read
p. 17:
Extract from V.I. Lenins: Review: J. A. Hobson : The Evolution of Modern Capitalism.

The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart

V.I. Lenin7025 min read
p. 18-20:
Extrat from V.I. Lenin: The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart.

In America

V.I. Lenin7832 min read
p. 21:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: In America.

In Britain (The Sad Results of Opportunism)

V.I. Lenin7142 min read
p. 22-23:
Fuld text of V.I. Lenin: In Britain (The Sad Results of Opportunism).

Karl Marx

V.I. Lenin8895 min read
s. 23-25:
Extract from a text on Karl Marx written by V.I. Lenin in a Russian Enclyclopedia.

The Collapse of the Second International

V.I. Lenin7474 min read
p. 26-28:
Extract from: V.I. Lenin: The Collapse of the Second International.

The Question of Peace

V.I. Lenin7518 min read
p. 29-32:
Extracts from: V.I. Lenin: The Question of Peace.

Notebooks on Imperialism

V.I. Lenin7321 min read
p. 33-39:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Notebooks on Imperialism, as Pdf file.

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

V.I. Lenin77731 min read
p. 39-56:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism.

A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism

V.I. Lenin8014 min read
p. 57-58:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism.

Imperialism and the Split in Socialism

V.I. Lenin75630 min read
p. 59-74:
Full text of V.I. Lenin: Imperialism and the Split in Socialism.

Ten “Socialist” Ministers

V.I. Lenin7605 min read
p. 75-77:
Full text of V.I. Lenin: Ten “Socialist” Ministers.

Revision of the Party Programme

V.I. Lenin7563 min read
p. 78-79:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Revision of the Party Programme.

Fourth Conference of Trade Unions and Factory Committees of Moscow

V.I. Lenin7233 min read
p. 80-81:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Fourth Conference of Trade Unions and Factory Committees of Moscow.

Session of the Petrograd Soviet

V.I. Lenin7726 min read
p. 82-84
Extract of V.I. Lenin: Session of the Petrograd Soviet.

The Third International and its Place in History

V.I. Lenin6984 min read
p. 85-87:
“World history is leading unswervingly towards the dictatorship of the proletariat, but is doing so by paths that are anything but smooth, simple and straight.”

The Tasks of the Third International

V.I. Lenin7598 min read
p. 87-91:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: The Tasks of the Third International.

Draft (or Theses) of the R.C.P.’s Reply to the Letter of the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany

V.I. Lenin7733 min read
p. 92-93:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: Draft (or Theses) of the R.C.P.’s Reply to the Letter of the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany.

“Left-Wing” Communism – An Infantile Disorder

V.I. Lenin7302 min read
p. 94-95:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: “Left-Wing” Communism – An Infantile Disorder.

Om forfatteren / About the Writer

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