2.9 C
mandag, januar 13, 2025
Breakthrough News_Rania_Khalek_Torkil_Lauesen
Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.
Mural with Leila Khaled, veteran and leading member of the PFLP, somewhere along the apartheidwall. Photo: Boris Kasimow. (CC BY 2.0).
An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).
Bøger om snylterststateori
Snylterstatsteorien blev fremført af især Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds (KAK) i 1970erne, men det er en teori, som har sin oprindelse helt tilbage i begyndelsen af 19-hundredetallet. I det seneste årti, i forbindelse med industrialiseringen af ”Syd” og de globale produktionskæders overførsel af enorme profit og billige varer fra ”Syd” til ”Nord” er teorien imidlertid dukket op igen i politiske og akademiske diskussioner.
Xintang, the Blue Jeans City. A worker supervises a power loom weaving denim to be used to manufacture blue jeans in LSH textile company, in Xintang, Guangdong province, China, on February 9, 2012. Photo by Lucas Schifres/Pictobank. Public Domain.
In this article, we aim to demonstrate that the low prices of goods produced in the global South and the attendant modest contribution of its exports to the Gross Domestic Product of the North conceals the real dependence of the latter’s economies on low-waged Southern labor. We argue that the relocation of industry to the global South in the past three decades has resulted in a massive increase of transferred value to the North. The principal mechanisms for this transfer are the repatriation of surplus value by means of foreign direct investment, the unequal exchange of products embodying different quantities of value, and extortion through debt servicing.
Workers in car factory, Guangzhou, China. Photo: ILO Asia-Pacific. (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO).
Jeg mener Wildcat overser det imperialistiske aspekt i de globale produktionskæder, der karakteriserer den nuværende kapitalisme. Imperialismen har delt verden i lande, der overvejende producerer og lande der overvejende konsumerer. Imperialismen har historisk og aktuelt skabt vidt forskellige rammer og perspektiver for klassekampen i henholdsvis imperialistiske og udbyttede nationer. Imperialismen har delt den globale arbejderklasse.

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Nyheder / News

How Sweden & Denmark Ride the Imperialist Wave

Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News interviews Trokil Lauesen on imperialism in Sweden and Denmark.

The Palestinian Left: Past, present, and Future

An analysis and evaluation of the PFLP, the Palestine left and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine with startingpoint in the PFLP document: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” (1969).

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