p. 2-6:
"There are many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing, and one of them is necessarily the principal contradiction whose existence and development determine or influence the existence and development of the other contradictions", Mao Tse-tung says in his "On Contradiction", and later on he puts is still more precisely that ".. at every stage in the development of a process there is only one principal contradiction which plays the leading role. ... Therefore, in studying any complex process in which there are two or more contradiction we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradiction." "
The first of 2 articles on dialectical materialism.
The Danish Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds, KAK (Communist Working Circle, CWC) published in 1975 one issue in English - April 10, 1975.
What is CWC pp.1-2.
The Principal Contradiction pp. 2-6.
The Principal Contradiction (2) pp. 6-11.
Famine in India pp. 12-16.
About the publication:
From: Communist Orientation, No. 1, April 10, 1975, p. 1-2.
Translated from Danish "Kommunistisk Orientering", December, 1974, nr. 1, p.1-2.
Actually Gotfred Appel was not credited for the text either in the danish or the English edition - Only a few of his texts was credited to him.
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Extracts from articles and speeches 1899-1923 on imperialism and opportunism [Publishing House Futura, Copenhagen 1974, 103 p.]
p. 101-103:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Better Fewer, But Better.
p. 96-100:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: The Second Congress of the Communist International.
p. 94-95:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: "Left-Wing" Communism – An Infantile Disorder.
Draft (or Theses) of the R.C.P.’s Reply to the Letter of the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany
V.I. Lenin
p. 92-93:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: Draft (or Theses) of the R.C.P.'s Reply to the Letter of the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany.
p. 87-91:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: The Tasks of the Third International.
p. 82-84
Extract of V.I. Lenin: Session of the Petrograd Soviet.
p. 85-87:
"World history is leading unswervingly towards the dictatorship of the proletariat, but is doing so by paths that are anything but smooth, simple and straight."
p. 80-81:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Fourth Conference of Trade Unions and Factory Committees of Moscow.
p. 78-79:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Revision of the Party Programme.
p. 75-77:
Full text of V.I. Lenin: Ten "Socialist" Ministers.
p. 59-74:
Full text of V.I. Lenin: Imperialism and the Split in Socialism.
p. 57-58:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism.
p. 39-56:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism.
p. 33-39:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Notebooks on Imperialism, as Pdf file.
p. 29-32:
Extracts from: V.I. Lenin: The Question of Peace.
p. 26-28:
Extract from: V.I. Lenin: The Collapse of the Second International.
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