Young Communist - Duplicatet frontpage.
Young Communist - Duplicatet frontpage.
1 min read

About the text:

The danish magazine “Ungkommunisten” (The Young Communist) was published for 3 years from 1968-1970 – many of the articles is published here at this site in danish. Some of the issues were in part translated in English and copied (duplicated) on A4-paper as The Young Communist, published by Communist Youth League (CYL) for hand out. Here is an example – This is from the last 2 issues of “Ungkommunisten”:


A Letter From a Journey.

KUF8505 min read
A Letter from a Journey.
On corrupt trade unionists and their work i Ethiopia.
Translated from the Danish “Ungkommunisten” issue Vol. 3, no. 5, June 1970.

Why do We Support PFLP?

Gotfred Appel11138 min read
Why do We Support PFLP?
Written by Gotfred Appel on behalf of Communist Working Circle, CWC (Kommunistisk arbejdskreds. KAK) and Communist Youth League , CYL (Kommunistisk Ungdomsforbund, KUF).
Translated from the Danish “Ungkommunisten”, Vol 3, no. 6 August 1970.

Statement From KUF

KUF8883 min read
Statement from KUF.
A statement made at the end of March by a delegation from KUF at a preparatory meeting in Holland for a congress in Rome in support of the fighting peoples in the Portuguese colonies, represented by MPLA, Frelimo and PAIGC.
Translated from “Ungkommunisten”, Vol 3, no. 6 August 1970.