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lørdag, maj 18, 2024
Illustration from "Millenials Are Killing Capitalism" Podcast.
Interview with Torkil Lauesen on his book: Riding The Wave: Sweden’s Integration into the Imperialist World System. (Published summer 2021 by Canadian Publisher Kersplebedeb on Millenials Are Killing Capitalism Podcast.
p. 96-100:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: The Second Congress of the Communist International.
p. 45-50:
"The truth is this: during the period of England's industrial monopoly the English working-class have, to a certain extent, shared in the benefits of the monopoly. These benefits were very unequally parcelled out amongst them; the privileged minority pocketed most, but even the great mass had, at least, a temporary share now and then. And that is the reason why, since the dying-out of Owenism, there has been no Socialism in England. With the breakdown of that monopoly, the English working-class will lose that privileged position; it will find itself generally – the privileged and leading minority not excepted – on a level with its fellow-workers abroad. And that is the reason why there will be Socialism again in England."
p. 5-18:

"One of the reasons why we have not had the socialist revolution is to be found in the fact that the economic development in our part of the world has created a working class which is unable to overthrow the capitalist class by its own strength. The lever of the socialist revolution in the fully developed capitalist countries in West Europe must not yet be applied in these countries themselves – it must be applied in the former and present colonial, semi-colonial and dependent countries!"
p. 11-12:
"The almost 100.000 votes against, the some 170.000 votes in favour at the voting, and the some 270.000 votes which were not cast at all thus expressly serve to show that the working class has been split up, is without common determination, without genuine class solidarity, without genuine class consciousness.

When this is said, and in our opinion it  m u s t  be said, it must also be said and heavily stressed that this situation in the Danish working class is a temporary and transitory phenomenon. It is a phenomenon which has been caused by a certain historical, economic and ideological development, and it will change again under a new historical, economic and ideological development."
p. 24-25:
"... One thing is certain, that the death-hour of old China is rapidly drawing nigh. Civil war has already divided the South from the North of the Empire, and the Rebel King seems to be as secure from the Imperialists (if not from the intrigues of his own followers) at Nanking, as the Heavenly Emperor from the rebels at Peking."
p. 57-58:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism.
p. 7-10:
The economic-trade union demands involved in the present and a number of former collective agreement situations are manifestations of needs and wishes on a material level (and spiritual-ideological level) characteristic of a working class in a country, where the capitalists have been able to give and have had a direct interest in giving the workers a share in the super profits of western capitalism as a whole from the exploitation of the majority of mankind – the peoples of the present and former colonial, semicolonial and dependent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

There is  n o  direct road from a parasite state of Denmark's kind to socialism!
Communist Orientation, No. 1, April 10, 1975 - Frontpage
The Danish Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds, KAK (Communist Working Circle, CWC) published in 1975 one issue in English - April 10, 1975.
What is CWC pp.1-2.
The Principal Contradiction pp. 2-6.
The Principal Contradiction (2) pp. 6-11.
Famine in India pp. 12-16.
Interview with Torkil Lauesen og Jan Weimann about their legal and illegal political activism from the seventies and on.
CWC: Unequal Exchange
The entire book is online
With the preface of Arghiri Emmanuel, who has delivered the economic analysis of the Unequal Exchange. The CWGs tryes to combine this theory with the theory of the parasite state. "If this is the case, if the proletariat no longer exists in our industrialized countries, if all, or almost all wage-earners, white collars and blue collars together, have become a labour aristocracy by definition producing less value than their wages allow them to appropriate and thus becoming the objective allies of imperialism, which brings them the supplement, what, then, becomes of the political action of revolutionary marxists? To whom, to which class, to which strata of society can they therefore address themselves?" (From Arghiri Emmanuel's preface)
p. 92-93:
Extract of V.I. Lenin: Draft (or Theses) of the R.C.P.'s Reply to the Letter of the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany.
The essence of the Blekingegade Group was international solidarity. A solidarity that “you can hold in your hands.” Concretely, money. Lots of money. Acquired in robberies in the metropolitan North and passed on to the tricontinental South. For many years. Respect!
p. 85-87:
"World history is leading unswervingly towards the dictatorship of the proletariat, but is doing so by paths that are anything but smooth, simple and straight."
p. 52-53
"The most repulsive thing here is the bourgeois "respectability" bred into the bones of the workers."
p. 33-39:
Extract from V.I. Lenin: Notebooks on Imperialism, as Pdf file.
Turning Money into Rebellion editet by Gabriel Kuhn
Bogomtale af bogen "Turning Money into Rebellion" om "Blekingegadebanden" skrevet og redigeret af Gabriel Kuhn, og udgivet på Tysk Engelsk og svensk.
p. 15-16:
"The tribute to be paid to England after the unfortunate war of 1840, the great unproductive consumption of opium, the drain of the precious metals by this trade, the destructive influence of foreign competition on native manufactures the demoralized condition of the public administration, produced two things: the old taxation became more burdensome and harassing, and new taxation was added to the old."
"That isolation having come to a violent end by the medium of England, dissolution must follow as surely as that of any mummy carefully preserved in a hermetically sealed coffin, whenever it is brought into contact with the open air. Now, England having brought about the revolution of China, the question is how that revolution will in time react on England, and through England on Europe."
p. 41:
"... For a number of years past (and at the present time) the English working-class movement has been hopelessly describing a narrow circle of strikes for higher wages and shorter hours, not, however, as an expedient or means of propaganda and organisation but as the ultimate aim. The Trade Unions even bar all political action on principle and in their charters, and thereby also ban participation in any general activity of the working-class as a class."
p. 11:
"These moments of prosperity are, to the periods of crisis and stagnation, in the “true proportion” of 3 to 10. But perhaps also, in speaking of improvement, the economists were thinking of the millions of workers who had to perish in the East Indies so as to procure for the million and a half workers employed in England in the same industry, three years’ prosperity out of ten. …"

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