14.2 C
tirsdag, oktober 22, 2024
Appendix for the book "Turning Money into Rebellion", edited by Gabriel Kuhn.
1. Acronyms of Political Organizations
2. Timeline 3. Convicted Blekinggade Group Members
4. Currency Conversion
Socialism and the Bourgeois Way of Life. By Gotfred Appel (1966) p.185

What Is KAK? What Is KAK? By KAK (1974) p. 190

Manifest-Communist Working Group: A Short Introduction. By M-KA (1986) p. 194

What Can Communists in the Imperialist Countries Do? By M-KA (1983) p. 203
Interview with Torkil Lauesen og Jan Weimann about their legal and illegal political activism from the seventies and on.
The Danish Blekinge Street Groups own story told by "The hard core". The groups political theory, the Solidarity work, Their criminal activities, PFLP, and the trial.
The essence of the Blekingegade Group was international solidarity. A solidarity that “you can hold in your hands.” Concretely, money. Lots of money. Acquired in robberies in the metropolitan North and passed on to the tricontinental South. For many years. Respect!
Short precentation of the the editor / writer of the book Gabriel Kuhn and the writer of the foreword Klaus Viehmann.
Colophon: Information about publisher and print of Turning Money into Rebellion.

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